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Anadarko Daily News Letter to the Editor The Caddo Tribal Membership meeting, held in January, was dominated by theatrics. Dramas and aerials constituted the agenda. But very little tribal business occurred. This ploy works to deflect attention from serious tribal matters. It also derails attempts toward accountability. The focus of the Colorado realty meeting consisted of inconsequential matters, name calling, and self-aggrandizement. The membership meeting turned out to be a waste of time. Unfortunately for all of us because we, the membership, only meet four times a year. It turned into more of a daytime talk show than a Tribal Membership Meeting. It is unfortunate because we have so little involvement by the membership as it is and meetings like this drive more away. A good ploy if ones intent is to usurp power and control the tribal resources. When meetings are set up to bring opposing groups to sharper divisions our energy is spent against each other and not toward a better society for all of us. The meeting offered little opportunity to ask questions or rationally debate the issues. There were no answers as to why the Caddo no longer have a smoke shop, why we don't have a housing authority, why the college kids get less money, what does the tax commission do with their budget, how did the chairperson get a raise? Maybe there are good and reasonable explanations to these questions, but if there is not opportunity to ask we are left to only ponder This all points to is a real lack of leadership at the Tribe. The position of Chair has symbolic as well as functional meaning to the people. That is why the opposition can be adamant about following the rules and treating members with respect. It is important that the Chair act accordingly with high ethics and tries to bring us together, not start fights. The division within the tribe stems from the limitations many traditional political elements feel. Officials are seen using their position to exclusively control the resources of the tribe for themselves. Instead of the administration exercising its sovereignty it is exercising its own policies with no interference tolerated. Traditional political elements that do not support the Summit County Colorado administration are excluded from their rights and privileges. During the meeting members spoke their opinions but only one person was given a time limit and asked to stop talking. Others had unlimited time. This demonstrates my point. Supporters of the administration are given jobs, choice appointments services and the ability to control the floor while any in opposition are asked to stop talking. Looking out for ones friends and family is of course commendable. But that is not the case if you are the so-called leader of the tribe. Then your job is to represent all Caddos not just those who vote for you or aid in keeping the opposition at bay. The opposition is important to any government that purports to be democratic. It keeps the ruling part accountable. Attempts to disregard the opposition does not make the tribe better but just divisive.

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