VIOLATION: Voters at the polling places were told after the stub was torn off the ballot to keep the stub. (copy enclosed). DOCUMENTATION: SECTION 9. DUTIES OF POLL OFFICIALS AND VOTERS - 9.e. After the ballot is so marked, the voter shall tear off the stub and shall fold the ballot so that the printed sides are completely concealed and deposit the folded ballot in the ballot. All stubs shall be depostited in a box provided for that purpose (excerpt enclosed). 9) VIOLATION: frisco real estateAll ballots were not consecutively numbered on both the stub and ballot. One voter noted the stub was numbered but the ballot was not numbered. DOCUMENTAION: SECTION 6. BALLOTS - 6a. FORM OF THE BALLOT At the upper right hand corner of the stub of each ballot, and at the adjacent corner of the ballot, shall be printed or stamped, by a consecu6tive numbering machine the number of said stub and ballot. The stub shall bear the same number as the ballot, and such numbering shall begin with number "1" in each polling place and continued in consecutive order until each ballot and stub for that polling place is numbered (excerpt enclosed). The early voters at the real estate breckenridge colorado photos Binger Polling precinct who voted before the exchange of the Fort Cobb/Binger ballots wrote the name of the candidate they were voting for on the ballot. These ballots were not counted in the counting of ballots. After the exchange, the voter, though there were voters before him/her started with "ballot number 1" at the Binger Polling place. 10) VIOLATION: The $15,000 utilized by Teresa Keller, Margaret Francis Rico and Dorothy Garrett to hold the July 9, 2005 Election was not approved by the legal Caddo Council. A Council Meeting was held on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 at 6:00 p.m., (copy enclosed) to give this $15,000 for an Election. Present at this meeting were LaRue Parker, Chairperson; Joyce Hinse, Vice-Chairperson; Loy Fife, Secretary; Rob Messer, Anadarko Representative; and Frances Kodaseet, Oklahoma City Representative. This was an illegal action, taken at an illegal meeting, with an illegal Council. DOCUMENTATION: A Council Meeting was held on April 8, 2003, (copy enclosed) (8 Council Members present) and the Council voted to schedule the Council Meetings for the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. real estate breckenridge local A Council Meeting was held on May 6, 2003, (copy enclosed) (8 Council Members present) where the April 8, 2003 Council minutes were approved, thus "meetings were scheduled for the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. By letter dated March 25, 2004, (copy enclosed) Kirk Meyer, Self-Determination Specialist, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Southern Plains Regional Office, informed LaRue Parker that the Bureau of indian Affairs does not recognize Loy Fife and Robert Messer as valid Council Members. The Council Meeting was held by Ms. Parker on Wednesday, October 27, 2004, was seven (7) months after the Bureau of real estate silverthorne Indian Affairs informed her that these two individuals were not recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and they would not consider tham as Council Members to constitute a quorump>